How to Improve Google Search Ranking Your Article

When we talk about Google Ranking. We refer On Page SEO to Improve Google Search Ranking Your Article in search engines like Google. So you can index and classify your article quickly.

The main objective of performing this type of optimization is to rank higher on google search engines.

A good way for better positioning is to visit the article. Where I explain the 10 tools for SEO Optimizing that will make your work much easier on your website.

The first thing is to understand that the purpose of what I tell you is not to be in the top positions. The goal is to excel and achieve to increase the percentage of clicks on the results for each of the searches related to your page. For this, what you have to try to achieve throughout the On Page SEO process is that the content of your website is as pleasant as possible for the search engines, and follow step by step what I tell you in this article.

Do not hurry and take it easy, as it is a process that you must understand and know why it is necessary for your website or your online business.

To help you Improve Google Search Ranking Your Article following 12 Points:

1. Title and Description

Points to take into account to create the description of a title:

  • Choose the keyword well with the Google Keyword Tool
  • It is important that the keyword appears in the text of the title description
  • Limit length from 55 to 65 characters
  • The keyword of the title has to be as far to the left as possible of the title
  • Do not make mistakes when writing the title description

The Yoast WordPress SEO tool will be of great help if you want to Improve Google Search Ranking. Since it allows you to create title tags including 65 characters. The usefulness of this tool is that the title tags can be different from our main title, including the main keyword.

seo title to Improve Google Search Ranking

2. Meta Descriptions – To Rank Higher on Google

A meta description is a summary that you can write about your web page and although they do not count towards the search engine ratings, if they are shown in the search results, they are still incredibly useful. When creating a description, the objective should be:

  • Write a compelling summary that accurately describes what the user will find by clicking on your page.
  • Use up to 156 characters in an original and prominent way.
  • Include the keyword or Keyword in the meta description.

write description for improve google search ranking your article or post

3. Structure Labels H1, H2, H3 well

You should not forget to use correctly the labels of the titles H1, H2, H3 on your website. All you have to do is maintain a well-organized structure of your website or for the entry of your blog.

Do you know what each of the labels H1, H2, H3 is used for?

  • The H1 tag is used to place the phrase that indicates the content title of a web page
  • The H2 label is used to indicate relevant titles for subsections
  • Label H3 onwards serves to define sub-section titles of a blockheaded with H2. Its influence in SEO is more limited, and therefore it is not usual to work the headlines from H4

4. Title Tags – To Rank Higher on Google

The title tag is a piece of HTML code located at the beginning of the <Head> section. This code indicates the descriptive name of the web page and appears in the browser tab. There are three factors that the title tag will reinforce:

Visibility: Search engines locate their attention in the words that appear inside the title tag, so if you put a word in the title, you will probably get a better position than another page that does not.
Visits: The title is usually the link text that appears on the search results page, which has a great influence on the visits along with the meta description. A striking and original title is more likely to receive clicks than another that is not.
Diffusion: Not only search engines use the title tag in their results, but many social networks also use it as a link text.

5. Optimization of Images and Videos

One of the factors that many times is not given all the attention that is required, is the use of images or videos that are used in each of the post or articles that are published.

The most important thing to know is that Google can not identify the algorithms of these images or videos, so always make sure to rename the “alt” and “title” tags so that your images appear in the search engine.

Usually, you will not have to worry about the code, most content managers let you add the tag easily.

To create a good label “Alt” and “Title” you must:

  • Describe faithfully the content of the image
  • Include the main keyword
  • Be brief and precise
  • Do not commit misspellings or spelling mistakes

6. Structure of the URL – Improve Google Search Ranking

Search engines prefer easy-to-use URLs.

Previously assigned URL structures were used automatically, which was generally something like:

However, the use of keywords with more simplified scripts and directories helps reduce search tracking errors and improve ten times more. For example, a custom link for a blog article could be:


7. Canonical URL – To Rank Higher on Google

A canonical URL is the preferred version of a set of pages with very similar content. That is, it is the process of choosing the best URL when there are several options.

To understand the concept of canonical pages, we must first know what the duplicate pages are. For example, try to access your site in the following ways:


The problem is that Google includes all the pages of your site, for this reason, you have to decide which is the correct page of the two, to have the main one that we choose through the search ranking. This is where we enter the canonization of the URL, which is nothing more than to warn Google which is our favorite page to be indexed.

8. Search Robots – Rank Higher on Google

The robots or bots are programs that search engines use to track the web. When they arrive at your site, the first thing they do is look for the robots.txt file, and depending on what it contains, continue on your site or go to another.

That is, the robots.txt file is just a list of unsupported robots, which allows you to restrict access to your site selectively. If there are pages that you wish to keep out of the reach of search engines, you can set it up here.

Generating the file is very simple, just create a text document with the name “robots.txt”, edit it and upload it to the root of your domain, (, It is the place where the seekers hope to find it. Do not worry if you do not know how to program them, with mcanerin you will have that document with the robots you want in a matter of seconds.


9. Response to the Mobile Format – To Improve Google Search Ranking

At present many people have access to websites from mobile devices, so it will be important that you have a mobile version of your web page that loads very quickly. Which means that the moment you enter, the page will transform the setting to the size of the device you are using.

Modern websites are fully adapted (Responsive Design) and know the importance of this aspect. According to IAB’s annual study on Mobile Marketing, 86% of people access the Internet through the smartphone, there comes the importance of owning a website adapted to new technologies.

Do you want to know if your website is optimized for mobile use? With this tool from Google you can find out and analyze if your website is optimized for mobile.

10. Use of Internal and External Links

Internal linking is an essential part of Improve Google Search Ranking your Article. since it allows you to improve SEO through your own website. Having internal links on your site not only makes it easier for Google to go through your site, it also helps your positioning improve.

Each new page or each blog post must include at least one link to another corresponding page on your website. that you have published previously. The general rule is to intersperse links through your blog, around one link per 100 words.

You should get external links to websites of great authority such as universities, Wikipedia, etc … This will increase the ranking of your website in Google.

With internal and external links:

  • You will make it easier for search engine robots to crawl your site.
  • Increase the usability of your website for visitors.
  • Provide selective distribution and Google will position your website or article as relevant, “Link Juice”

In short, this SEO measure is not a tool to improve google search ranking your article, but it is also widely used as a strategy and practice to provide feedback to your website.


11. Marking of Structured Data

Structured data is information that consists of a series of labels or annotations that describe the content of your web page and provide searchers with information. This allows Google to present your data in a totally new and more attractive way in the search results.

Structured Data

For example, if your website contains lists of events, you can use the Data Marker to tag the data (name, location, date, etc.) of the website’s events. The next time Google crawls it, the event data will be available for the rich snippets of the search results pages:

data highliter of google to rank in google

Types of data supported by Google:

  • News articles
  • Events
  • Local companies
  • Restaurants
  • Products
  • Software applications
  • Films
  • TV episodes
  • Books

With this test tool for Google data markup, you can verify and check if the application of structured data has been done correctly.

12. Page Speed – To Rank Higher on Google

Although It is the last point, the high-speed page is very important. And it plays a role beyond any SEO action. Users are less patient than ever. Studies have shown that 75% of users who use search engines will not visit a page that takes more than 4 seconds to load the content.

It is very important to improve google search ranking your Website, mainly for 2 reasons:

  • Improve the user experience.
  • Reduce the bounce rate (Abandonment of the user’s website)

Tools that will facilitate the management of the performance of your web page:

The goal is to have all your page with a speed efficiency of 90%. This tool is easy and intuitive, it will show us the errors we have and how to Speed optimized. So that your page can enjoy the speed it deserves on PC and on mobile platforms. Some tips to improve speed are:

  • Optimization / Compression of Images.
  • Specify browser cache.
  • Avoid redirects to landing pages.
  • Use fast Hosting Servers.
  • Reduce the CSS code.
  • Minify JavaScript.

PageSpeed Insights google page speed taster to rank higher on google



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